Working Together Works
Mission Statement
The Mission of New Paradise Missionary Baptist Church is to reach and teach everyone to find their God-given purpose in life. We believe that everyone has a purpose, so we aim to encourage, equip, exalt, and empower those we win through evangelizing to promote unity, which leads to a working together relationship that would advance God’s purpose.
We are a diverse community of individuals, actively seeking to make Christ’s example of God’s love for every person real in our world through service, study, worship, and giving:
Celebrating life in groupings of families and individuals,
Risking innovation while honoring tradition,
Encouraging search and empowering belief,
Standing with those who suffer,
Loving unconditionally.
Belief Statement
New Paradise Missionary Baptist Church is “the church of the infinite quest”. Remaining true to that spirit, our church believes…
All people are included in God’s unconditional love and grace.
In Jesus Christ whose life revealed God’s love at work in the human family.
In the Holy Spirit as the power by which we are brought into closer harmony and relationship with our Creator.
Therefore we…
Strive to follow Jesus Christ's path while recognizing the pathway to the Divine.
Encourage each person’s spiritual journey, embracing a variety of spiritual disciplines.
Understand that the words we use to express our faith are to be lived out by loving and compassionate action.
When searching for meaning, take the Bible seriously, valuing grace over absolute certainty.
Agree to differ, unite to serve, and resolve to love.